Friday, April 15, 2011

Home Improvement

I have realized that I am not very good at taking the before photos because I get so excited about a project that I just jump right in!  I thought I'd share some of the work that we've done on our house over the last few weeks.  It is so nice to be able to get things ready at a slow pace before we move in at the beginning of May.

Before: Lacy Curtains.  We had these all over the first floor of the house.  The previous owners had also found some creative ways to hang curtains using pipe and nails.  Needless to say, they've all come down.

After: The curtains from our apartment have made their way over to the house.  They are still in need of hemming but I haven't quite had the motivation to do that yet.

Our bedroom upstairs got curtains as well.

Before: Where there was once snow... 

After: ...there are now daffodils beginning to grow.

Before: In the basement we've torn out some things including part of this wall.


And there used to be two full walls dividing a work/storage area and the laundry area.  Now it is one big room.

And I hung the first pictures on the wall in the kitchen.

And you can see the colour I am thinking about painting the kitchen on the left hand side.

Outside the weeds are growing!  This past week things have sprung up that we had no idea existed.  We've also decided that weeds must actually be the BEST plants since they can survive almost anything and flourish almost anywhere.  They are growing faster than we can keep up with, but this view through the porch makes the yard look nicer than it really is.  :-) 

This was my project this morning.  Since no one has lived in this house for well over a year, things are pretty overgrown.  I found all of these bricks under the grass and dirt in the flower beds, so I thought I'd use them too.  It took me a few hours to clean up, but we are ready for planting in a few spots.

And this is the view from the second floor.  The yard is not finished yet, but you can see where I dug started to define the flower beds again around the garage.  We've bought seeds to start planting some flowers and veggies.

I'll work on taking more before photos in upcoming projects.  We have many ideas, we're just needing to find the time to do them in.


  1. Wow! looks fabulous says Gordon, can't wait to come and pitch in with the yardwork.

  2. Great job you guys are doing! Love it all...hugs-Auntie


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