Thursday, January 27, 2011

the house as it is today....covered in snow

We went for a walk to our new house today while it was snowing and saw (for the first time) the SOLD sign!  Grant's expression says it all.

Our house!  (and all the snow we're going to have to start shoveling soon)
Also note: the hat and cowl I made for myself over Christmas.

Back at Fischer.  Part of the walk was so I could test my new (waterproof) boots!


  1. You made that hat?! It's beautiful! The cowl too. Care to share the pattern?
    ps - congrats on the house!

  2. Ditto to what Amy says... she took the words right out of my mouth. :-D

  3. Oh yes! I'll write a post in the next few days with more pictures and patterns!

  4. Whoa! No way! I did work on that house for the OCO Work Day! I hope the windows are still sliding smoothly. If not, I can fix them again.

    Congratulations on buying a house, Katie and Grant!


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